The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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First,second,and third presidents were with the Democrat/Republican Party.The illusion of the division was to eliminate third parties and maintain constant control.The differences listed are just soap opera aspects to sidetrack the general public while continuing to move on with their ulterior motives.No matter who the president is,their foreign affairs seem to center around any country that doesn't have a Rothschild National Bank.
Demotards are always saying Repubs are hicks or bigots or fascists. Why do they feel the need to attack Repubs? Sarah and Carmen you are the people who give humans and females a bad name. I feel sorry for the men in your lives, assuming you found some poor guy to control. America needs to get rid of political party titles and stick to the issues. Otherwise we will never evolve.
Democrats are naturally lazy and believe the government should take care of them, I don't claim to be a Republican but I'm definitely a capitalist, I believe smaller government less handouts would be way better than what's happening. Get a dam job and be a productive citizen to society..
You talk about handouts as if it was just government welfare for the lazy, the parasites of society. They are not! There will always be those who use the system for their personal gain and are simply opportunists in a way that is close to capitalism and yet could not be further from it. Government welfare protects the less fortunate. Those who aren't born a Bush, a Kennedy or Clinton but into a community where you need to work your ass off to ensure a living barely above the breadline. It is a life insurance for those born into a free world, a wealthy world. The rich won't miss a few dollars, the poor however survive with them. Before you go raging about please consider that the no man left behind policy that you all so gravely honor can be applied in the lives of every citizen who is willing to aid his comrade and fellow citizen.
How many times do we have tell society that we DO have jobs? How many times are we, "the poor", gonna be considered a bunch of lazy hoodlums and parasites that live off the government and don't try to make a decent living? Do you even see us? Do you even care? Some of us are actually trying to work towards a college degree so that we CAN get a darn job!! The only reason there are fewer poor people in the working environment is the "Previous Work Experience" requirement on EVERY job application. So why not make yourselves useful and stop bashing on the poor for once. Bad enough you're blaming us for our predicament now you're calling us parasites? I should've known that "Proud to American" bull crap was only for the Rich. Well, I'm not "Proud to be American" because America is not proud of me. Is this a bashing site for the poor or an informative site for the differences between Democrats and Republicans. All these comments have made me sick and I wish I never visited this site.
Just a thought. It is a commonly accepted truth that the word is mightier than the sword. It seems essential therefore, for one who uses the pen to inform or to influence, to do so responsibly with truth, compassion and without malice intent to the mind of humanity. Actions speak louder than words and humanity acting without knowing truth or just a partial of truth may lack compassion and lend rise to dishonorable and irreconcilable proportions. We must all learn to think thoroughly before we act or speak. I have not much faith in any person standing before me whom will try to ascertain my beliefs for the purpose of use simply to win my vote. The gaps between the views of Democrats and Republicans must slowly be closed or at least move towards center line of each in order for all Americans to dig ourselves out of this hole for which we find ourselves. If we dig together with the idea of identifying root causes followed by real solutions instead of pointing fingers and blaming each other, we can eventually walk out of this hole. Don't forget that "United We Stand, Divided We Fall."
Donald Trump is a anti-feminist, racist piece of crap. I cannot trust him. If he becomes president we are moving to Canada or England because I will not feel safe with a person who mocked a mentally disabled person on television. All he knows is money. Keep him in business, not politics, and if he does get rid of all illegal Mexican immigrants we could have a possible inflation. Honestly no one is a good candidate but if i absolutely had to choose one it would be Bernie Sanders. Why? Because I do believe that medical and recreational Marijuana should be legal because look in Colorado. Their economy skyrocketed. Bernie is probably one of the only Candidates that truly knows the struggle of being a middle to low class American citizen, unlike Trump who's father gave him,"a SMALL loan of a million dollars." Yes, he maybe socialist but don't you think that maybe that isn't so bad?
My issue with this is: all people have different opinions on how to live life and how it should be lived....Why are we judging what other people think? Homosexuality is something people have different opinions on...Marriage....taxes....foreign issues....etc....everyone is different. whether you are republican or democratic , we all live in america and need to get along we all have a choice on who and what to vote for. Its sickening that our country can fight over things that are going to happen...Suck it up and get along...This is america...the land of the free not the land of the bitches
Political parties are the problem with our country. People vote for the party that they are told is right not evening knowing anything about the candidate. We should vote for the candidate that believes the same as us and that we believe is most capable for the job not because they are democrate or republican. George Washington warned us about political parties, he knew it was a bad idea. Our country doesn't have much time to turn around the coming up election is going to tell where we are going to go. We need to come together as a country and make America great again
Why can't there be just one party? Benjamin Franklin actually told us that that was not a good thing to do and that it will only lead to fighting. The views of one politician may be limited from becoming law because of another party's views and overpowerment of that party's views. The politician would be "drowned out" in a way, by contradicting standpoints.