The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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Gay marrage is afull just imagine if there was gay marriage back when the first humans were on earth, no one would be here Gay people want attention from the world and want to be put in there own special category of People.
It's as simple as this your either totally on God's side or you turn away from God and his laws and are prone to trust your sinful nature and beileve whatever you think and endorse it but you really don't have the truth you can laugh at me and say jesus Christ Is a bunch of bullshit or God doesnt exist well I'm sorry but I'm not crazy because that is what this country was founded on you can't deny it no matter how much you despise God very intelligent men with outstanding character gave there lives for a country founded on Un shaking principles based on the bible and don't accuse God of pointless wars and massacres in history that's humans fault God never told anyone to kill Catholics or protestants for their beliefs and wars that involve religion are only wrong when your forcing someone to beileve a certain way through violence instead of teaching them through love clearly jesus would be opposed to religious tyranny and would be fighting against such a person I don't need to address whether I'm a democrat or Republican the moral issue is all that really matters.
Honestly looking at this makes me wonder how Republican views appeal to anyone. Saying gay marriage is wrong is like saying that you got mad at the person in line in front of you at a sandwich shop because they ordered something different than you. If anything allowing gay marriage makes us a better country. Letting more people get married CANNOT HARM YOU IN ANY WAY if anything it helps because it allows people to be happier and freely love who they want. I do not understand why people feel that allowing more people to get married is a bad thing. Also, abortions are not wrong. I am not pro abortion but I am pro choice. I think that it is absolutely ridiculous to force a woman to have a child that she is not emotionally, mentally, or financially ready to have. If a 16 year old wanted to adopt a child everyone would tell her that she is not responsible enough, so why would you force a 16 year old to have a child THAT SHE DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE. Another thing is that "bringing God back into the country" WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM, if anything it will create more. The constitution demands separation of church and state which means plain and simple that Church matters and government matters must be separate. As an atheist if a God that I do not believe in was forced upon me, I would be very upset. Yes I feel that everyone should be allowed to freely worship how they want, but that means that they must allow others to do the same without forcing their opinions on them. I feel that too many people believe that if all of a sudden God was brought into the country everything would be fixed and that is false. We have to work toward fixing the country we can't just depend on "God" to do it for us.
Let's focus on the real issues..... Not allowing Gay marriage or abortion is not going to fix our economy. Let people be themselves. Focus on the environment, schooling and overall bettering our workforce and economy. Democrat baby!! Go Hilary
it helped me on my homework
It's amazing how when people say they're Democrat on this page the ONLY thing they're able to resonate with is homosexual marriage. Not the fact that they're completely fascist on economic matters. Not the fact that they want control over our school systems. Not the fact that this site clearly exposes their blatant attack against individual liberties whether constitutionally guaranteed or not. You Democrat supporters on this page are idiots for not reading everything... It clearly shows your stupidity and control freak nature for what it is you ignorant tools.
I think gay marriage is awful andò unnatural... But I do not care if in America or the world gay marriage is accepted, I do not like gay, but if they want to be gays I do not care... Is their life not mine... I'm a girl and i like boys!
Our country needs to realize that we do need a small government. Also, raising minimum wage= absolutely ridiculous!! Please, someone comment me back and I would love to talk politics.
Thank you to the author for this article, it certainly enlightens the difference between the two parties. But my question is, why is there a need to be in a specific party anyway? everyone should be able to make up their minds on their own. Like for me, there are certain views that are agreeable for me on one side, but sometimes i find the other party's view on certain issues agreeable as well. I think agreeing to resolve issues is way better that bickering on which party is better.
democratic sucks