The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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I will vote anyway but don't trust either parties I'm glad I now know the difference between the two
For anyone reading this you the individual as a voter cannot choose your republican President because the established old republicans will some how cheat Mr. Trump from being chosen and if you think Ted Cruz has a chance in hell to beat Hilly Clinton wake up the really big problem is you keep your senators and congressman too long in office have you ever seen a poor senator or former congressman no because most of them are bought off quietly , during Vietnam and our latest war how many of their sons served in combat and died it is usually middle class and poorer kids who join the service too get out of their area your senators and congressman could careless after you come home . Did you know a veteran with a 40 percent disability brings home $651.00 a month that's a shame on all of the non service people who these kids fought to protect have to live in poverty , Why do you think most vets are homeless and commit suicide. Not one of you could live on $651.00 a month including rent,food, transportation try it and see how far you could last.
Democrats , Bunch of psycho welfare giving , none job creating, people disabling, none constitution believing, gay marriage supporting , idiots that need to be dismantled ,before they finish off the destruction of the country that they have started destroying 7 1/2 years ago.. When you voters put that thing in the WHITE house. And come January when Mr Donald J Trump becomes president of the USA you Demigods hopefully feel the pain and misery that ovomit has put the amercan people through..
You all talk to much. This country is divided, this world is divided. It's only getting worse. Your abundance of words isn't going to change it. You're all like trump whether you like it or not. You have your views and a bunch of people don't like them.
Our country is getting worse overall, Washington is run by big money, we all know that, money talks. Trump doesn't need their money. Washington needs change, Americas people are ready for something different than what we have had,. If a law that we want does not get passed, you can bet your boots that Trump will tell you in his speeches, exactly who was responsible for it. When he speak,s he will tell the truth, he won't care who in Washington gets mad about it. Being president is among other things, a business, Trump is good at business. I think he is what Americans want to see, they no longer want "pretty iced over speeches" they want truth above all else.
So basically to sum it up for most of you that only see what you want. Republicans ended slavery and are for the people to manage themselves. Democrats are for more government control over your life. Marriage and sexual orientation should not even factor in to a political vote. Democrats are pushing the middle class down instead of bringing the lower class up and the upperclass are to smart to let either party affect them. You really need to start using your whole brain before voting for another democrat
Lillian Lo, I agree with you. You might get so resistance to the truth, but I really like how you stated your comment! If we looked at result, like how most job are evaluated, I would have to say the last few Presidents have failed. I think actions and results makes their works true and believable, but I think some are just better at supplying empty promises or promises that effect other areas negative and harmful results. I guess I can us examples such a Obama Care, not really working out the way it was sold to use! But we all tend to buy the snake oil from the best sales person! We live in a selfish society not thinking what is best for all and not allowing accountability for those that don't pull their weight or want to live off the loopholes taking advantage of the system. I really see your point in your comment about how or why we back one candidate over another and need to sell other, when we really don't know what we are selling! It's really sad! I hope people can see what is happening and change for the better!
My Dad died in 1987. He was blue collar worker. He always told me the Democrats are for the working man ? I'm 56 now doing the same job he did for 39 years. Construction insulator. The Democratic party left me . I see 28 cents of every dollar go to USA. Democrats believe in equality , so every on welfare gets the same. Less government is the answer. When the Twin Towers came down I was shocked this could happen here. No our president wants to help every Country but ours . Send in people from the ISIS area. No but HE'LL no . Unless you can verify who you are, where you been for the last 5 yrs. How come all these men are not fighting for their home country. Secure the borders. All these family coming in want what I have worked hard for . Now they want it for free. They are making hard for school districts, county's . Over taxing , because the president will not allocate funds to help .
I can't believe I actually saw someone's comment try using the fact that Democrats support gay marriage as an insult. Like love Is love.what if someone went around telling you that you can't marry the one you're in love with because it disgusts them? Hating gays isn't even in the bible.
Dont Vote for Trump!