The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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Progressive means Socialist, which is a lighter side of Communism. I know, I lived it. The progressiveness in this country being touted by the Democrats is nothing more than disguised Socialism that is deeply rooted in a international communist party agenda to subvert the U.S Constitution and all that it stands for. We see gradual changes take place, such as Gay marriage, women's roles, racial strive between blacks and whites and even latinos thrown into the mix so as to create an ambiance of hostility between us all, yet it is all a well orchestrated effort by the socialist movement in the country to create social chaos amongst the youth, their peers and co-workers. This is the communist aim, to destroy us from within, it always has been, except we are now getting it in small doses so as to make it more palatable. Then there's gun control, when all along in this republic, gun ownership has survived over 300+ years from the very onset of the nation, as a matter of fact, it was how this country was created. Now, all of sudden, the democrats know better and will protect us all by disarming us through any means, local, state and federal if it comes to that. Then there's abortion, and while that is a moral choice, the state should never pick or chose which position is correct and yet it does. Then there's the media, clearly not unbiased and most notably pro left-wing no matter what the topic is, leaving us all to decide that what they fed us should never be questioned - I think not, under any system of law. What is most troubling is how the youth is truly blinded by the obvious forces at play, becoming rightful useful idiots in a very big chess game whereby no one will eventually win for either side. You should all take a step back and think about this question "Do you really think that anything, I mean seriously, anything that government does can or will make a positive impact in your lifes" ? - if you answered yes, then you are condemned to live the lie that you deserve to live and the misery that you will help bring upon your fellow citizens. You have not learned anything from our history and the fact that many died to protect your points of view. You are either blind, or worse, you refuse to see the truth before your eyes as it unfolds. The jews knew what the nazis intended to do to their people, yet they all went straight into the gas chambers, because they were more hopeful that it was a lie versus acceptance of the truth.
I'm for gay rights, and rights in the LGBT community. I'm in favor of abortion, and don't believe the government should become overly involved in our personal lives... our personal freedoms. I'm a republican, but often feel like a unicorn because my beliefs aren't consistently GOP. I think there are a lot of us out here who may be too nervous to speak up, for fear of the scathing ridicule which is easily thrown around these days on social media, the news stations, and within our own circle of friends. I'm proud to admit I like Trump, and find his candor (however crass), refreshing and direct. I was raised by a businessman (and a republican) who had a big family. He took care of everyone, including ppl in our community. He was financially conservative, but chose to use his money to do good in the world. Much of what I know comes from him, for which I will be forever grateful. He instilled in us a strong work ethic, and a mind for business. I believe in a better America for all, yet I don't believe in crippling our country by upping the tax on the top wage earners... at least not significantly, as Sanders would do. His platform proposes so many tax hikes on the "wealthy" that it would be unsustainable in time to receive funds that way.
This article was really helpful in understanding some of the major differences. With this I can say I won't be surprise if I declare myself a Republican but notwithstanding I believe I will have a slight different opinion to some of their beliefs.
I think this article is a little more biased to the Democratic party, but very good ideas and points were made.
Nice text! I'm Brazilian and I'm trying to understand the major differences between the parties. Concise and straightforward. Congrats!
firstly, i am free to live but not to kill others. in my point of view, gays are free too, and i do not have the right to oppose with than, so they can marry each other. second, young people have to be really careful about having sex because that is how abortion comes for becoming in a detrimental action. also, guns should be employed only for depatrtment of police but not for all people. usually, guns are employed by people in order to kill students or imigrant in the streets. nowadays, we ask ourself why there are many murders in ours countries, well we have the answers in front of our eyes daily. in fact, we have to forbit the right to have guns in homes. money is not everything in life, but life is everything in soul.
I am a democrat, only because I know what it's like to live poorly. There are little ways to support yourself and people wont fare to look at you twice.
America was built by European immigrants or "colonists" who lied, cheated, committed genocide and enslaved others, but then again humanity's history is filled with war and other endless selfish pursuits. In the end both Democrats and Republicans have managed to worsen the condition of this country because of personal greed.
"Jose Feb.11 22:43" "The progressiveness in this country being touted by the Democrats is nothing more than disguised Socialism that is deeply rooted in a international communist party agenda to subvert the U.S Constitution" Have you lived frozen since 1960? It is too easy to call a communist whomever differs with your opinions. Some of us believe in social justice and the power of governments to make a difference. We accept and acknowledge your views and don't call them an international fascist plot, so learn a thing or two on democracy and do the same.
The church is the one that started marriage. Aren't we supposed to have a right to believe what we want. If the church opposes gay marriage and abortion they have every right to.