The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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On individual liberty and food- the reason Republicans don't want to ban unsafe foods is because these are generally sold to those who don't have the time to become aware of new emerging findings or don't have the money to buy the higher end safer product. Republicans include the corporations that already have a process in place on a product that sells at a lower price. There is a cost to change an ingredient, packaging, or manufacturing process that will reduce new found health risks. The manufacturer will be unwilling to take their product off market or incur the cost of change on their own. Freedom to choose a higher end product is not an option for those on a limited budget, those who continue to be exposed to a bad product. They include those earning minimum wage, families putting their kids through college, retirees without a good pension, not to mention the unwanted illegal immigrants.
very informative. thank you!
It's very informative. I don't feel they tried to sway me to prefer either party. Good addition to our homeschool curriculum. Thank You!!
To be honest...I can agree on one party on one thing and also agree on the other party on one thing...There is some points on both parties that I agree and disagree with
Gun laws...our forefathers wrote these laws when weapons were muskets, I do not believe they meant machine guns, and weapons of today
I'm not on here to start a fight, so I'll just drop a comment and be done with it, but this article was clearly written in favor of the Republican Party. If you're old and experienced like me, you can weed your way through your bias and get an idea of the parties, so I genuinely commend you for that. But if you want to make your career as a journalist, I recommend you work at being a non-biased one (unless your goal is to work at Fox News or CNN (See? I'm not speaking for either political party.) But this article is CLEARLY severely biased toward one party. Good luck to you. It's refreshing to see that someone so young is even interested in politics!
Well looks like im either both or im neither got views from both parties fuck politics
Do we have an "Every Situation is Not the Same" or a "Meet in the Middle and Actually Think" Party? If I read this correctly, we essentially have no choice but to keep this Battle of Values (who actually ever "wins such a battle?) going. Since when values actually prevent one's thinking? Evaluation, application of Critical Thinking -- these can be mutually inclusive. These two lists are the summary output from a group of people openly stating that, about those issues, they refuse to think. More than that, they essentially put themselves over countless lives, yet base their bickering on, well, not real life. Is life really black and white? Always one or the other? Can't put a sense of duty over the sense of oneself? Again, if I read this for correctly with minimum synthesis: Republicans are against abortion but not necessarily champion the social programs that a single mother may need after having been made to deliver a child? Don't favor minimum wage increases to support a family, especially when trying do away with welfare or programs of the type? These counter-intuitive values give rise to a level of implied control over how a person should live, right down to religion (Pro-Life, no conctraception, no gays -- suspiciously Catholic and aligns closely with the Republican Party). What happened to religious freedom? If your party affiliation drives your religious choices, then you had your freedom taken...that or you are lying to your party. See? We need the damn middle; the Democrats can keep that damn Common Core!
Awesome, thank you. This was very helpful. Go Republicans
Very Interesting. At the end of the day as a functioning society we need protection from ourselves! If everyone could really do what they wanted to do our country would slip into total Chaos and Anarchy!! So left to our own devices we would destroy ourselves!! We should take these changing landscapes with a grain of salt and stop being so mean spirited towards each other!! Regardless of who is in charge every 4 years we have a "Choice" to make! We all have a fighting chance that every 4 years we can advance our individual points of view!! Regardless of who is in charge this is still America and everyone around the world wants to come here and have a chance to succeed and be happy albeit our unhappiness with the current administration. I think a lot of problems regarding race comes down to Education or the lack thereof. If we were "all" better Educated it would level the playing field!! To be uneducated breeds misunderstanding, poverty, anger, discontent, revenge, crime, drug addiction. So if we keep this or that class of people uneducated is to control this or that class. What are we afraid of?? Are we afraid that if we were to educate more blacks they might take over?? Sorry but we have had a Black educated president for the past 8 years and from my perspective he has worked his ass off to preserve our Democracy with more than a little resistance from his White counter parts. Now that is real, blind, unreasonable hate. Oh well, I'm a 62 year old Veteran that will never have to worry about health care because of my brief service. and now my Government, Republican or Democrat says because I worked my but off for 48 years participating in our Democracy they will now issue me a check every month as a condition of their gratitude!!! How can old Mike be pissed off about anything??!! Life is good in America!! Peace and cheers everyone!! m.b.