The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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I wish there was another party why do we have to divide why can't we have a democratic party that still support the idea of freedom to free will I agree with the idea of Moriarty moral obligation to do it right but not criminalization of these moral defects in a person if someone wants to do drugs that's that person right its for them to work through that process it's not a criminal or policable thing it's moral. Corporations have a great importance in the fundamental workings of the world with a great corporation create great jobs and provide the fundamental keys so to speak but with the concept of the consumer buying the products and services we can't make it work without a balance between the two should be fair and equal everyone deserves a slice of some kind of happiness who actually needs 100 million pay the employee 7$ a hour and watch them draw from the government putting a strain the tax payers and government when all that is really needed is a couple extra dollars off the 100k salary they might make it a no brainer why is it so hard to unite as a collective and see that all have good views just need to balance the views and unite in the middle it's the United States not the divided states
i'm a republican, but i'm for gay marriage and abortion. people need to manage themselves, and i agree with that- even though i'm not rich myself. you might say i'm liberal- republican and that's okay. i respect other people's opinions even though i know i'm right 99% of the time. i agree with trump on immigration, (although he is not my favorite person because of his sexism and racism and immaturity) but this country needs to be controlled and it's overpopulated.
After reading this, i think i was always a Republican. And always will be.
I saw someone say that hating gays isn't in the bible. You're right, but in the bible it does say that gay marriage is not to be supported. Leviticus 20:13 no man shall lie with mankind as he lie with womankind, if he does so, both of them have committed an abomination.
If you were to ask any trump supporter, or any Clinton supporter, or any sanders, Cruz, or whoever supporter, the fundamental differences between their candidate and the opposing candidate, I bet 90% would point to an issue that will have little to no impact on their life.
LEK11, we're not the first country to try an "Obama care" route on insurance same exact in everyway it didn't work in the countries that did it before us so anyone who thought it would work here was fooling themselves!, they saw the words FREE, and jumped on it like a bitch in heat, people need to educate themselves and research for themselves what's being proposed and not follow what someone is telling them to follow.
Im sorry, but it is most certainly nonfactual to claim that the bible has nothing to say against homosexuality or gay marriage;There are many instances in the bible where homosexuality and gay marriage are brought up and discussed, and these are just a few: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 7:2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. Jude 1:7 ESV Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Romans 1:27-32 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
As the so called 'leader of the free world' the American political system should lead by example...apparently the example being 'don't work together, never agree and block, block block anything the other party wants to do, even if your own people suffer.' Trump is the consequence of having such a backward partisan system. If the Republican elite are shocked at his rise they need to look at themselves closely and how they have systematically destroyed any form of workable government over the last 8 years. As an outsider with a pretty awful political system in my own country I see the effects US politics has on our own, I'm sad to say that instead of seeing how the US does it and going the opposite way we almost seem to be copying the negative insults and destructive rhetoric US politicians use daily. The consequence of all this is division not just to individual parties but also the fabric of society itself. It would seem to me that compromise has been a word struck from US politics and no party is clean in the way they handle themselves. Now you may say as an American that as a foreigner I have no opinion in how America conducts its politics, the thing is however everything that happens in America effects all of us...and if Trump gets in the rest of the world will be effected and it wont be for the best I can guarantee you that.
Did someone really just say "love is love"? "Love" is a hormone that affects animals when they want to have sex. If gay people say they "love" each other, or really anyone else, what does it matter. Doesn't affect you personally, its friggin civil rights! If it really affects you that much, you need to take a step back and realize that people are all equal. You're all animals who destroy everything. Pissoffs!
What's the big deal about whether hating gays is in the bible or not. Just cause it's written in a book doesn't mean it controls your life. It's really up to you whether or not you support Gay rights.