The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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I think that this article is more undermining to the Democratic Party and was definitely written by a Republican. Republican beliefs are way off track. This article is saying that Republican beliefs are traditional. Especially the gay marriage thing. And I'm a Christian. But I don't hate gay people I feel like we shouldn't get upset that someone is marrying a person of the same sex. Donald Trump and other Republicans need to grow up.
@Steve get a life
Leave it to God to judge who should get marry to whom? Okay ? You shouldn't judge gay people on their sexuality. That's God's job. Not yours.
God help us if Trump gets in office,his views are totally wrong, he wants to take away the Union, which are blue collar workers, he wants to take away student loans, which is the only way poor people can educate their selfs, if they come from poor families, and not live off the system, and he wants to take away social security, which people work their whole lives for, and they are entitled to that when that get old and no longer can work, I wish the rich could live the life of a poor person for a few months ,with no family or help from any sources , then mabie their views would change totally
Politicians Are NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!! Over and Over again the American people have been Lied to----- Donald Trump is Not A Politician!!! He is a Business Man and at this day in age I have to give A business Man a Try, to help Make America ( which is a Business ) Flourish, bring our Economy back up, Put a hold on all Non Citizens from traveling into this country, Until there are Jobs for all of us and them, so that way my taxes Our Taxes don't have to be Used for Welfare to support non Citizens. And Yes People---a non Citizen can get Welfare and Food Stamps!!! But The Politician Government tells them No to a Driverslicense and a Workpermit to Support themselves. People in America forget that the World is Large, Therefore All Non U.S. Citizens that want to come to America Should try Other Country's--- like Austrlia, Europe, take your self and families over there and see if you can make a Furture there and Support your self and your own Family. Go Trump!!!!!!!!!
If you really want to know what God says about gay marriage read the Bible and it will tell you. Also read what he did to Sodum and Gomora because of the immorality. Sorry for the spelling.
I heard marriage came from a time when a Man owned the woman bascially and that is why the Woman had to take on the Man's last name. I also heard from someone their niece is a Fed Judge boy the perks the paycheck and hardly any work. Not to mention a Judge can collect a pension go back to work in a year and be eligible for two pensions. They exploit the people in my opinion. Go fight and get maimed so I can get a kickback from my friends who got the combat boot contract??? It's all one way Jose' for the benefit of the people who work for the govt.
Donald Trump is a moron! We should not be so hard on immigrants, this is AMERICA a country made by immigrants! Not all muslims are terriorist, and the Republican party should stop making stupid decisions politically because they're basing it off they're religion. We need a President that respects all cultures and religions instead of just their own. Guns should only be available to law enforcements, and there should be universal health care. The rich should be taxed more while the middle class and poor should get less taxes. The confederate flag should be outlawed and BURNED! we should pay student loans and have more progams to help the sick and disabled get jobs and live their lives. Thusly the entire republican party is full of stupid, mouthbreathing, ignorant fools who based everything they do off what "god" would want them to do.
People are so ridiculous about this "....what God says..." or "what's in the bible...." How can you be so naive? Do you really think some big guy in the sky is helping you do things and helping you get favor? What a joke. People are idiots. You invest in yourself and your good choices help make life easier. When you die, your body is done and we don't know what happens. Maybe you move on to a different state, but you have to be simple to believe that the Christian bible is factual. I'm glad more people find it comfortable to not believe. It used to be taboo. I hope in our lifetime they start paying taxes and remove god from schools and money. it makes us look crazy. We are a modern world with science...stop praying on poor people and people struggling in different areas with religion.
I do like how the democracatic party believes taxes should be equal, and I like how the republican party believes that we all have rights and should do what we want as long we don't break the law. But I don't like how the republican party and people supporting it believe that gay marriage is bad and a sin. We all have rights and this is supposed to be a free country! We are all human and should what makes us-and maybe even others-happy! What I don't understand is how people can be supporting Donald Trump, a racist, sexist man. Who frankly only cares about himself. I don't even mind the fact that he is on the republican party. And not to forget the ObamaCare... I get that he is making an effort to help others, mainly the poor, stay healthy. But I don't like the Idea of having to do something I don't want to do...I have my reasons. I am almost certain that I am not the only person that feels that way. Also I do think guns should be more restricted, even for cops(I mean are you guys aware of the deaths of blacks caused by policemen?). Police can be a big help, they're some outstanding cops out there! But you guys are a team, what you do affects your group, like dominos. I just hope that who ever is elected can do the best for our country.