The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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After reading this is seem to agree with both parties and will be changing my voting to independent party. Dont label yourself something if you dont beleive in it 100%. You cant be lactose intolerant and still eat ice cream. You cant pick and choose what you like and dont like just like in religion. Support all of it or none
I have wanted an independent in office for a looonnggg time now..
I do not think any party favors full military action against regimes that threaten their own people and others. I haven't noticed anyone calling for strong military action against China or North Korea.
Quit contradicting one another. Honestly, how different is your life going to be if someone changes their political views? You should just do your job, love your family, and die quietly from a heart attack.
Wonderful topic. Thank you so much.
The system is F'd. Independent is the way to go nowadays as it seems Democrats just like to disagree with republicans (and vice versa) just because they aren't part of that party. There shouldn't be parties it should just be people with whatever views they have. No need for labeling as some Democrats agree with republicans on certain topics but have trouble le admitting it and vice versa.
Commenting as an outsider. Isn't it ironical that the seemingly, "Conservative" Republicans, started out with the abolition of the slave trade and the Democrats on the other side. And why are the roles so reversed today ?
In think this is a very helpful article to understand how insignificant we are when we talk about politic. I agree with those who think that you can't be in any side when you are not 100% sure of what you believe. I think that been independent is not either the solution; I believe that there are so many distances between the parties that are not going to take us to any further/near agreement, republican are against democrats and vice versa. I think that going forward with the actual politic will take us to a new Communism. We have rules and laws and if we don't follow it, we will have no future. Government can't be involve in everything, Health System sock in the way is now, there is no social health, that's a lie, external politic is a false, we have to be stronger and firm with those who are seen our weaknesses and taking advantages of it. Been independent is not a solution but it is a different way to put thing in perspective.
Word play oh word play. How would we deceive the masses without you. I liked the article. Perspective though, I think are why we have grey/gray area. It's hard to be against abortion and for gun ownership. Hard also to want more tax dollars for government assistance Medicaid/Medicare, food stamps/family's first, but want ppl to work and contribute to society. What judges right and wrong also to what degree? We can't have anything both ways. I do believe we should be accountable for ourselves in the since "no one owes you anything" be apreciative. A lot of Americans are not. You can't feel above mowing lawns then get mad when "illegals" kill there selves to find the "American dream". Which as an American I see means Go to school graduate college, (in debt) get a job, get married, buy the big house, the automobiles, have kids and die stressed and in debt. Point: pay attention and don't just follow the trend. Conform but only when you have to put on the suit and tie, pay bills and vote. Hold everyone to the same consequences! No bail outs No get out of jail free cards for ppl who get others in trouble to protect themselves
I appreciate the article, but do not necessaraily like the word "progressive", as if one side is more "with the times" than the other. As a 31 year veteran of our country's military, I feel that I am with the times. I personally, very strongly, agree with marriage between a man and a woman and it is both my belief, as well as my religious belief. If God is God, only He can create the rules. We follow the rules that He has set for us. Yet I strongly believe in a country that is free, and allows it's individuals to choose for themselves how they'll live (as long as it does not hurt others). On most of the issues within each of the parties, it appears that both sides have merit, and both sides are right in some, or many, ways. As well, neither party is perfect. I concur that, as stated well in the article, there are probably few people that agree with everything their decided party stands for. I hate the idea that the parties are so far apart. I hate that the division in our country seems as if it is splitting our country apart. I hate that I turn on one TV channel and get a bias so bad that it is hateful, then turn to another channel and hear the same thing from the other side. I'd love to see more effort put into our similarities and how we can use our differences to make some great changes to improve our country, and less blame that stops us from getting anything done because of our differences. I'd like to learn to agree to disagree. I'll vote, according to my concience, and allow everyone else to vote according to theirs. I'll support the decisions that are put into place by the majority, all the while doing my best to ensure that I am making the world a better place to live in how I live, my example to others, my integrity, my leadership, volunteerism, and even in my hiring people to do jobs that I cannot physically do. This is a great country, and I enjoy the feeling of knowing that I can worship in whatever religion I decide, go as far in college as I desire, live whereever I want to (as long as I can afford it), choose where I work, choose my life style, etc. I appreciate the freedoms that our country stands for. I also feel that the majority of the people in our country are inherently good. I hope that very few people wake up each morning saying, "What can I do to hurt others today?". The majority of us want to do good.