Romance anime featuring school is so popular with school boys and girls and even young adults. Here we've selected top 10 anime you can't miss!
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Oh my gosh thanks ever so much :') it literally helped but not a lot cause I already watched them all but it helped me because I watch Clannad again!
Yea ur list is disqualified cuz u have some pretty terrible anime in there. Watch more anime and grow up kid.
just saying, the video clip for toradora is kind of a big spoiler. ive seen it myself so it wasn't for me but u shou be carfeul if ur going to use videos
It bugged me with how innaccurate the descriptions were. Kaichou wa Maid-Sama being about the girls realizing having more boys in their school is a "dream"? That's not the plot at all. I did like some of the anime on the list, but please do your research before writing an article.
plzz help is there any anime who looks like "kaijou wa maid sama" ?? U mean the drawing cz all the others that I find are not as good as this one I'm searching for school romance anime I already watched golden time ^^
uh @tina good list I guess but most of these are pretty damn it should be a given for everyone new and old to anime to watch clannad and torarda (I personally hatd both too much to write in words) but I mean it's not bad I loved Zero but yeah it's not very "romantic" so to speak) Clannad and Toradora are just another one of the cute harem romances that have the main dude actually choosing a girl in the end (Thank God most of them have eponymous endings which suck but he chooses whom he loves so that's safe from the stereotype.) The maid one actually qualifies for romantic anime thanks for no peach girl though :D good anime but it's another anime that just everyone will fall upon. I say I should make an actual romance list for anime because too many lists suck. Nonetheless good job Tina especially for being a newbie on this kind of reccomendatioins job genre wise. Misty Chronexia is a good referecnce his youtube channell is better than this but he also does the mistake of mentioning childish anime harems but it's cool since these are all opinions. I am looking for more adult and notice adult literally not porn I said "ADULT" romantic anime. I find it hard to see any but I mean if anyone can link or tell me of some really good adult anime with romance inclined genre mix ups so to speak that'd be cool. I seen a lot like AH My Goddess, Mirai Nikki which barely can even count for actual romance but they both love each other throughout the run so it's good I suppose but I Mean I just want to see some more IDK romantic heavier than FMA kind of romantic anime (it's not really romantic at all but I want any anime that is like that but more roamntic inclined or just complete romance that doesn't have the typical set up of adult boy meets 5 year old looking same age as the boy girl. More like Nyan Koi but actual romance I like women with nice physique and stuff XD I am asking for near impossible but hey if anyone can recommend some good romantic anime with tsundere girl leads that are busty but actual romantic or at least have some romantic inclinations then I am happy :D
you should try SPECIAL A - - - - the best! ^^
I know quite a few school romance anime Fruits basket Bokura Ga Itaa Dance with devils Hana yori dango Sugar sugar rune Cardcaptor Sakura Marmalade boy Onegai my melody Karekano Save me lollipop I me my strawberry eggs Ask Dr rin Ao haru ride Saint tail Kimi no todoke Kotoura san Itazura na kiss Say I love you Uta no prince sama Other than school romance I hav other romantic anime too Yumeiro patisserie Pretear Brave 10 Kamigami no asobi Tonari no kaibutsu kun Inutasha Wolf girl and black prince(school) Hakushaku The story of saiunkoku Good witch of the west Gakuen Alice Ashita no nadha Kamisama kiss Diabolik lovers Peach girl(school) Nagi asu a lull in the sea(school) Dazzle Brothers conflict Please teacher Beloved angel Angelique Special a ( school) Skip beat etc..........
Some of the Romance Anime I like: -Ouran High School Host Club This anime is about how a girl had to participate in a boys host club that hosts girls. The boys think that the girl is a boy and make her join the club to pay of the debt she owed them after breaking a valuable vase. Theme: School, Romance -Sword Art Online The name may suggest action, and so do the first couple of episodes, however, it is ideally a love story. Theme: Romance, Action -Special A Many people think of this as a good anime, however, I find it's graphic's bad. This anime is about how a girl wants to always challenge a boy to something in it ledger to prove she can beat him ; however, the boy likes her. -Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Really good anime - have to watch it Strike the Blood This is more for girls, with a female leader, though the boy is the strongest vampire alive. The girl is the boys observer and falls in love with him; he falls in love with her. Themes: Romance, Vampire Haganai This is about two people who don't have friends. A guy with unusual blond hair and a girl who is his childhood friend that he doesn't know she is. The girl creates a club for those people that don't have friends at the same time thinking to spend some quality time with her childhood friend. Other people join and it gets better and better... Theme:Romance, School If you like action + love, InuYasha is for you. InuYasha is an amazing anime ( it is the first anime I ever watched) you can watch all it's episodes on Youtube. There are also 4 movies. There may be a 5th one, but I am not sure on that. I am at this time short on anime to watch so if you have an anime that you think I would like please tell me about it. Hope you enjoy these.
Yo I loooooooooooooooove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!