If you are into martial arts, or just heard about kongfu, then you must know Bruce Lee. Don't you curious about his death? Read to find out what caused Bruce Lee's death in deed.
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He was murdered by the elite of that time because he was becoming to influential and his popularity made a lot of people feel threatened because he did as he pleased. Betty pei and raymond chow had a Hugh part to play in it but they won't the only player's in the cause of his death. If you study his death and his sons death carefully it will all fall into place for you. Both of them were murdered and the murders were covered up as everyone got paid to keep their mouths shut or they will die too. Bruce Lee was poisoned and brandon was shot so he doesn't investigate his father's death as he said he would do.
For protection of everyone - they expect you to read between the lines of the movie "Game of Death" and "Fists of Fury" how it led up to his death! Their way of spilling the truth ...
As Occam's Razor says, the simplest explanation is the most likely. Lee used very bad training-methods from the "no pain, no gain" school of junk-Sports Medicine, thinking this would "toughen him up;" and so he over-trained and injured his back from lifting too much weight and doing it poorly without professional instruction from actual lifters, but relying on his own ideas; and he used prescription painkillers to treat the injury, but either he didn't follow doctor's orders, or he had a bad reaction. As usual, every grain of truth gives rise to a thousand rumors as the world plays "telephone." Just like with the "real fights" he got into, which in reality were just low-level pissing matches, not secret "Bloodsport" matches that supposedly put pro boxing or MMA to shame.