Do you freak out when the camera lens is upon you? No matter what your weight-loss stage, take our perfect photo tips and you'll feel body confident, look great and have photos you can be proud of forever!
Nine times out of ten, it can be an awful holiday photo or unflattering birthday pic that sparks a weight loss plan.
Even top models, hot celeb mums and actresses who don't need to lose weight know some simple tricks to use when the camera comes out, helping them appear their best in photographs - and that's without the airbrushing. We've gathered together some great photo tips that will make you look brilliant for the camera every time - ensuring those holiday memories are preserved forever, not thrown in the bin in horror!

Part 1
Make your face look thinner in photos
Tilting your face at a slight angle to the camera will make it look thinner.
If you have a large nose - lift your chin slightly in the photo.
If your neck is less than perfect, try craning your neck forward.
Experiment with looks other than the full on cheesy grin. Try a Mona Lisa-like hint of a smile, cheeky arched eyebrows look, or even a wink. It will add movement and personality to your face and make you appear less static in every photograph.
Keep your chin tilted slightly up - it will help you look more youthful.
Swallowing as the photo is taken makes your neck look longer and more graceful.
Look into the camera but don't stare.
Take your glasses off to avoid glare and reflections from the flash.
Putting your hair up and wearing long earrings will give the appearance of a longer neck in a photo.
And, if you've been caught at a 'I must really wash my hair' moment, pull it back for the photo and top it off with a pair of sunglasses resting on top of your head for that 'just-got-off-the beach' fabulous hair look.
Make your body look slimmer in photos
Face the camera side on to minimise your stomach (pulling in those muscles at the same time!).
One shoulder pointing forward will show off your figure to its best advantage.
If you are sitting when the camera comes out, cross your legs at your ankles. Your thighs and calves will look slimmer.
If (for some strange reason) you know your bum is going to be in the photo, tense and lift it for a few moments, but remember to keep your face looking natural at the same time!
If you know you are going to be photographed - fake a tan!
If at all possible, stand rather than sit in photos.
For a planned photo
This gives you the opportunity to plan a little in advance.
Wearing darker colours, especially on areas you are less than happy with, can help slim and minimise them.
Avoid anything too stark and dark next to your face (black, navy blues, browns, and dark greens for instance) as this will drag light away from your face, making you look washed out - and doing nothing to hide any less than perfect skin.
Employ some speed beauty by whacking on a some mascara to accentuate your eyes and lashes.
Jewellery reflects the light and adds colour and interest.
Choose something bright and colourful (but not too patterned or busy) that will reflect light onto your face.
Don't experiment with new make-up or hair just before you know you're going to have your photo taken.
Your make-up should be easy and light - tinted moisturiser is a great choice for glowing summer skin.
Avoid having your photo taken in bright or direct sunlight, as this will throw shadows on your face or make you squint. Late afternoon and early evening is the best time to get posing.
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