If you are trying to develop your deltoids, there are few exercises that do it as well as lateral raises. Keep in mind these kind of shoulder raises can be modified in many ways to make it much more effective for your particular needs. For instance, using the dumbbell lateral raise helps build up width in your upper body, giving you that coveted “V” shape. Here is the proper way to do lateral raises.

Muscles that Lateral Raises Work

This exercise works a great number of muscles in the arms and shoulder. You are working the deltoid, which is actually composed of three muscles: The anterior, middle, and posterior. You are also working on what is known as the rotator cuff, which is actually made up of four muscles. The rotator cuff does the work for the initial raise, but then the deltoid takes over about halfway through. If you choose to bring your arms up higher, and go straight overhead, that’s when your trapezius muscle takes over. Doing lateral raises slowly and steadily helps work these muscles adequately and avoid risk of injury.

How to Do Basic Lateral Raises

These basic lateral raises will build up strength in your shoulders. They work by using a dumbbell, and raising them to the side – that’s why this exercise is often called the side lateral raise. It’s easy for anyone to do, even a beginner. Here’s how it works:

Pick up one dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your torso straight, and hold the dumbbells with your palms facing your body.


Without moving your torso, slowly lift the weights with each hand, keeping them steady and even. Your hands should be slightly tilted forward, as if you were pouring a pitcher of water. Lift the dumbbells to the height of your shoulder, and pause for a moment at the top. Exhale as you do this.


Slowly reverse the motion, bring the weights down to the starting position. Inhale as you do.


Repeat this for the amount of repetitions recommended by your trainer.


Repeat this for the amount of repetitions recommended by your trainer.

Here's the video very clear and detailed instructions on how to do lateral raises:


Variations of Lateral Raises

You can do all sorts of variations with lateral raises, including sitting down on a bench as you move the dumbbells, lying face down, or lifting your arms entirely over your head. You can also start with the weight at different points, such as in front of you, or even behind you. Each new position works the same muscles, but in a different way.

Tips for Practicing Lateral Raises


When doing lateral raises, don’t focus on using heavy weights. That’s not the point. The point is to isolate certain muscles and work them, and that does not require heavy weight. In fact, using heavy weight might lead to injury.


The risk of injury is also why you must keep your reps slow and controlled. This is not the time to show off! Using momentum to help you pull the weights up will not give you the best benefits from the exercise, so don’t do it. Feel the slow burn of each muscle by moving slowly.


Keep your elbows above your wrists. This helps ensure that you the focus stays on your side deltoids. You should also keep them under stress by not allowing the weights to touch your body, and don’t let them simply hang from your hands – you should be actively using them.


Keep your abs tight as you do this exercise, which will help support your body and keep your torso straight. Finally, remember to watch for the weights creeping forward – you should be lifting them straight out to the side. If they are creeping forward, that means they are too heavy. Switch them out for lighter weights and start again.


Build Bigger Shoulders - Lateral Raise Tip


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