In any situation, the best way to introduce yourself is to state your name. , the details would differ. For a student, you may begin with your name, followed by class, age, favorite subject and hobbies. As a teacher, the introduction can include the qualifications, details about your family and some hobbies. For new teachers or teachers facing a new environment, there are some steps of how to introduce yourself in class may help them win a good impression in your class.

How to Introduce Yourself in Class as a New Teacher
Dressing well is important to create the first impression when you are introducing yourself, which goes a long way. The students should respect you besides enjoying themselves in the classroom. A dress shirt with tie and black shoes or with skirt for the ladies should be ideal.
Start the introduction by telling the class your name, how to pronounce it and if it is long and difficult, what they can call you instead.
Follow by telling them a little information about yourself, your likes, dislikes and hobbies. This helps the students in connecting with you as you seem more personable.
You can let the class know of the rules you would like them to follow and what they can expect from you.
Remain courteous and polite. It is important for the class to feel that you will be there for them. They should not get the feeling that you are mean and don’t want anything to do with them.
Once you have completed the introduction, ask the students if they would like to know anything else and ask them to reiterate things about you. This will ensure that they remember you better.
Creative Ways to Introduce Yourself in Class
Photo-Book or Collage
Make up a book of photographs describing your life with each alphabet. B could be Books to show your love for them, D could be picture of your pet Dog, etc. You can show this book on the first day can leave it in the classroom for the students to read.
Get a list of your favorite novels and share it with the class. This helps them know what kind of literature they will be discussing in class and also read it before if it interests them.
Take a Quiz
After introducing yourself ask the kids about yourself in a form of a quiz. Referring to yourself with your name, as addressed by the kids, is fun for them.
Use Stars
Tell the kids that each week you will make one student the star of the class, and they can make a collage of the things they like and share it with the class. The first week, you will be the star and share your collage, which will help the kids get to know you better
Link it Up
For older students, you can bring in your documents like report cards, letters, and pictures (after blackening out the sensitive information) and then let them piece it all together. Making a time line and making guesses about the gaps depending on what kind of person they think you are.
20 Questions
This is a fun game and definitely an ice breaker on the first day of school. The students get to guess things about you and its fun revealing the right answers.
Truth & Lie
In this game you tell the students a truth and a lie about yourself and make then guess which one is a lie. This then continues with the students following the same pattern. It is a fun way of knowing each other.
Stand and Talk
This game makes the students interact within themselves whilst knowing you. Separate cards are made with Questions & Answers and distributed to the students. They have to find the student with the corresponding card and then read out the Q&A to the class.
- Show your smile. Look and sound happy.
- Make eye contact when talking to someone and looking around.
- Give broad idea about your hobbies.
- Try some wit and humor.
- Do not brag about anything.
- Never make any racist comments or jokes.
- Do not insult.
- Do go overboard with jokes.
- Do not stoop when you are talking, keep yourself stand straight.
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