We know that for many brides, the ultimate seal of approval is having their wedding featured on a top bridal blog. But even the bride who plans a spectacular day with lots of drool-worthy details and unique touches isn't a shoo-in for a real wedding feature. There are five major pitfalls that can quickly dash your dreams...

Part 1
Talk about it constantly to your photographer, planner, MOH, groom, really anyone who'll listen. By the umpteenth time your wedding photographer hears this- But...do you think our wedding will be featured? (I'll die if it's not...)- he or she will be less inclined to work hard to ensure your wedding is selected, and more likely to run for the hills.
Let pre-wedding stress show through in your photos. A radiant, glowing bride is almost as important as lots of delicious details when it comes to featured wedding selection. So no matter what, smile like you mean it and wipe away any sour look carrying over from the stressful days leading up to your I Do's. Because no one likes looking at a bitchy bride!
Choose a Tiffany blue & chocolate brown wedding color scheme, or a really unfortunate looking bridal party. Hate to say it, but I'm just calling a spade a spade.
Act thirsty by becoming your own PR team, and submitting your wedding to blogs directly. Unless there's a specific call to brides requesting submissions, blog and magazine editors expect weddings to be submitted through the photographer or planner. So don't shoot yourself in the foot by taking the reigns.
Pedal your wedding all over town. If I see that a real wedding submission has been offered up to all the other blogs under the sun, it's an automatic no in my book. Remember that exclusivity goes a long way, so choose a few favorite wedding blogs, and work with your photographer to determine a plan of attack. Offer your wedding up exclusively (for 30 days) to the blog that's #1 on your list, and if they decline, move onto #2.
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