When it comes to flirty questions to ask girls, most men would draw a blank. The ones who offer answers will either share questions that are terribly cliché or cheesy, or will tell you questions that are downright offensive. So, what type of questions should you ask a girl to make the atmosphere hot without causing any embarrassment and awkwardness?

Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl
Where do you like to be kissed the most?
If we could spend one day together, where would you want to go? You can choose any place in the entire world.
What turns you on the most in a guy?
Do you like romantic gestures? If yes, then what kind of gestures do you like the most?
If you don’t like romantic gestures, what would you want your guy to do for you instead?
How would you react if I kissed you, right here and right now?
What’s your idea of an ideal man?
Do you like to be the dominant or submissive partner in a romantic relationship?
Do you like it if guys make the first move, or if you are the one to initiate a conversation?
What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw me? Why?
When did you first fall in love? How did it feel?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What can a guy do to always make you feel loved and wanted by him? This is one of the best flirty questions to ask a girl,which also helps you understand her better.
Are you always this interested, or is this level of interest just with cute guys like me?
What was the most mind blowing date you’ve ever had? What was so special about that date?
What’s your favorite place to get a butterfly kiss?
What’s your opinion of love at first sight?
Is it just me, or have you been working out? You definitely look slimmer than the last time I saw you.
Would you like it if your guy gave you body massages from time to time?
Did you do something different with your hair or clothes? Well, whatever it is, it worked. You look great!
What are the biggest turn-ons and turn-offs in guys?
Is there something crazy that you’ve ever dreamt of doing, but never got the chance to do it?
If a genie appears right here out of nowhere, who decides to grant you one wish when it comes to your love life, what would you ask and why?
If there’s one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be and why?
Are you a party girl or a stay at home and binge watch on Netflix kind of girl?
What, according to you, should a perfect date be like? If you want to find out more about that girl, you should never miss this type of flirty questions to ask a girl.
When you return home after a long day at work, how would you want to relax? Would you want your partner to bring you a glass of wine which you can drink with your head on his shoulder? Or would you prefer to be left alone so that you can have some me time?
Do you think men treat you differently when you dress in different clothes?
If we had only 24 hours to live, would you let me kiss you passionately like there’s no tomorrow?
Which 3 things are the most important in a relationship for you?
If you had 24 hours left to live, what’s the one thing you’d do that you wouldn’t dare do today?
What type of flirting do you prefer – via texts or face to face?
What do you wear when you go to sleep at night? Or…. do you even wear anything?
Do you like it when a guy you like addresses you with a pet name? If you like it, then do you mind if I give you your very own nickname?
Which do you prefer more – making out or cuddling? Such flirty questions to ask a girl reveal her expectations from a guy, which can help you immensely if you’re trying to pursue a relationship with her.
What do you think is your best physical feature, and why?
What do you think is my best physical feature, and why?
If you could choose one – brains or brawns, what would you choose and why?
What is the perfect night with the guy of your dreams like and why?
What are your plans for tomorrow night?
You’re so perfect, so exactly how are you still single?
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