If you are applying for any kind of an office or administrative position, you must be ready to respond to the question, “What computer programs are you familiar with? What is the level of your skills?” Skills like Microsoft Word for word processing, Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheets, and PowerPoint for presentations are likely to be sought by an administrative position. Computer skills to put on resume should be listed according to the job description you are applying for.

Part 1: A List of Computer Skills for Resume
Operating Systems
Below are skills of operating systems that you can refer to list on your resume:
Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows ME, Mac 0SX, Windows 2000, Mac OS 8.6, Solaris, Mac 0S9, UNIX, Linux, AIX, Sun OS, OS/2, DOS, FreeBSD, Novell 3.5, Novell 4.1, Novell 4.0, Exchange 5.5, Novell 5.0, Novell 5.5, Novell 2.15, etc.
Below are software skills that you can refer to list on your resume:
Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 1997, Internet Explorer, MS Excel, MS Word, MS FrontPage, MS Access, MS Project, MS SiteServer, MS Visio, Outlook Express, Adobe Photoshop, Outlook, PowerPoint, Corel Draw Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Coffee Cup, Homesite, Quark Xpress, Studio, ColdFusion, DreamWeaver, Claris, Inspiration, FileMaker Pro, MySQL, SQL Server, SQL 6.5 & 7.0, Enterprise Manager, EZ-SQL, Astra Site Manager, IIS, LinkBot, NetObjects Fusion, Vignette, BroadVision, WebSphere, Pandesic, Eshare, , Borland Sidekick (PIM), LivePerson, Coldfusion Server, Open Market, Interwoven, Crystal Reports, Query Analyzer, Enterprise Manager, MAS 200, MAS 90, Baan, Symbiator, Business Works, Peachtree, Bluebird, Pro-System Fx, Lotus 1-2-3, Creative Solutions, Scheduler, Lacerte, Publisher, Quicken, QuickBooksPro, Turbo Tax, World Ship, Oracle, AutoCAD, QuickBooks, Suretrak Project Planner, etc.
Below are hardware skills that you can refer to list on your resume:
Sun Servers, Macintosh, Compaq, IBM PC-XT, Intel Servers, AT, Dell, PS-2, Gateway, PC clones, Switch 2200 with Gigabit Module, 3 Remote Access System 1500 Base Unit, 3Com Superstack, Addtron Hubs, Intel Express 9100 Router, Intel Network Adapters, Adtran DSU / CSU (TI ESF CSU ACE), IPX, Routers, TCP/IP, Switches / Hubs, Raid / Mirror, HP Printers (4000, 4050, 4500, 5si, 8000, P1000, TI / DSL / ISDN / Frame Relay, 1120 and 1000, 750c plotter, IBM PC-XT, AT, PS-2; PC clones: Dell, Acer, Gateway, IBM 36/38/AAS400, HP9000, etc.
Languages and Scripts
Below are languages and scripts skills that you can refer to list on your resume:
C++, C, Visual Basic, PL/SQL, Visual C++, Java, HTML, JavaScript, DHTML, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1, Pop KSH, AWK, ANT, SED, Coldfusion, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Active Server Pages (ASP), etc.
Several certifications you may refer to check if you have some of them. Just attach them on your resume if you do have several certifications, which will enhance your chances of being selected.
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
Microsoft Office Specialist
Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA)
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)
CompTIA A+, Computing Technology Industry Association
Comp TIA A+ Certified Technician, Computing Technology Industry Association
CompTIA Network+, Computing Technology Industry Association
You may wonder how to highlight computer skills in your resume, the video below can be a good guide for you:
Part 2: How to Present Computer Skills for Resume
List Your Skills in Detail
You must make sure that your resume has the right keywords that are specific to the job you are applying for. The software scanning your resume will be looking for those keywords and if they are not included, you will not even be considered for an interview. The software programs will be looking for your computer experience especially in: Microsoft Office programs, Internet Explorer, MS Project, MS Visio, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Coffee Cup, AutoCAS, MySQL, and EZ-SQL.
Make sure that you also list your knowledge level for each program in parenthesis, such as: Windows 7 (intermediate), Windows 8 (beginner), MS Word (advanced). If you don’t have enough room, you can focus on the more advanced levels and leave the beginner levels off.
List Scripts Skill and Languages Separately
If you are proficient in scripts and computer languages, create a separate section for this information that is away from the general computer skills information. Specialized skills that you will want to highlight include: PL/SQL, C, Visual Basic, C++, Java, Visual C++, Java Script, DHTML, Pop Server, HTML, 1.1, and HTTP/1.
Make Sure You Attach Some Certificates
Here is where you can verify your knowledge. Rather than just list your expertise, including Certified Microsoft Office User Specialist in Excel is much more impressive. If you don’t have any certificates, check for local courses that you can attend to qualify for certification status.
Don’t Embellish Your Skills
Be honest in your skills assessment. You will only be hurting yourself later if you have listed certain skills on your resume and you are unable to carry them out. It will be worse if you look like you don’t know what you are doing than never listing these skills in the first place.
Don’t let your level of computer skills intimidate you. Focus on the most important and recent software programs that you are knowledgeable in. Pay special attention to the computer skills that the job calls for.
Check Your Resume Details
Make sure you double check the spelling and capitalization details of the names of the software programs. These do not follow typical spelling and capitalization rules. One example is PowerPoint by Microsoft. Make sure you do not list it as Power Point or Powerpoint.
Take the time to give your resume a second look to make sure that these details are presented correctly. These are the little things that could make you look more like an amateur rather than a professional.
With all the helpful tips, now you can present your computer skills for resume in the best way.
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