Pain on lower left abdomen is usually a complication of another health issue. Here are 6 major causes and 3 effective methods to help you heal the pain.
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Hello I'm Maureen, 26 years old. I am suffering from LLQ for many days. I felt bloated and moving my hips to left or just normally moving make my lower left abdomen painful. Do you experience this kind of thing and please give me advice. Thanks!
Been having this pain n discomfort for 9 months now in my lower left abdomen between my hip n ribs. It comes n goes. Went for endoscopy n colonoscopy n blood test. Dr. said acid reflux but feels like something else. Take omeprazole for over a year. Dicyclomine for a few months for contractions. Still comes back. Sometimes a weird gassy feeling n other times a burning feeling.Felt no lumps in that area. I'm just frustrated because nobody seems to have a solution for this. What else can this be? Can someone help me?
Hello ny name is Mj and im suffering this pain on my left lower pain abd under my butt for a year now. The pain hurts like hell that i can feel the contractions of my muscle from my lower abdomen under my butt and runs down ti my legs. So i had this physical exam twice and the doctor said its just a mild llq tenderness. Im wondering why when the pain attacks me it lasted for 3 to 4 hours and its gone and the following day again its always like that for a week. Im browsing on Wikipedia and i read some links about piriformis syndrome or nuero muscular problem that affects sciatica nerve. Any idea about this thing? Do need some help
I started having LLQ cramp after my endometrial biopsy. The pain comes and goes like am expecting my period. Can someone help me? It's really not funny.
My pain is very similar to many of yours, its on the left side between the hip and the lower ribs and when I take a deep breath it feels like wind pain. I am a nurse and many of the cops outs by Doctors who dont know what to say could be the cause, however, in all cases something that will help all situations is hot water and pure lemon juice, it will get the bile working, it will flush all organs, especially the bowel. Im feeling mine could be diviticulitis. Which is bulging of blocked blind pouches in the lower bowel (Left side) so drink heaps of water, no sugar. Good luck fellew tummy achers.
Hello, I have been suffering from this lower abdominal pain for a few month now.I went to the doctor and he gave me medicines for urinary tract infection, the pain seemed to subside but I got it back again after a week or so. A few years ago I had records of micro stone in kidney, the doctor said that it was not a serious situation and I could be cured by drinking a lot of water. What can I do to subside the pain?I am not able to concentrate on my work.
My daughter has been with lower abdominal pain for three months now, she has seen her pediatrician, the ER, the Gynecologist, the GI doctor and had a Colonoscopy and Endonoscopy, a Biospy, a breathe test, and various blood, and stool test done. Aparrantly she is froctose and glucose intolerance. She is in a strick diet right now for at least 2 months, then a follow up. I will need to ask the doctor for a thyroid and endometriosis check/test as well. I was and still am concern. However, one needs to sleep well and drink lots of water (2 litters) per day. That is what her doctor advise. The pain now comes and goes mostly in the am. I hope this helps. I will also see a naturalist doctor.
I had a sharp pain in LLQ . I noticed my urine was cloudy and darkish . I was not able to see my clinic doctor, so i took the old amoxicillan i had on hand. Over the course of three days there was no recurrence of the sharp pain but still a little pain upon inhaling or stretching. I also upped my water intake and made ginger root tea. The pain is on the mend but I still plan to see the doctor ASAP
I've just put mine down to chill on my stomach because just realised I've had 6 icreams in as many days anything sugary makers it worse.
Hii I m suffering frm severe lower left abdomen pain frm last 9 days it's so severe like mensuration pain n goes down to my thy n back too I can't even walk properly,its sometime decrease also n sometime shootup...plz help me I m in severe pain