Many people are just curious about the time that a dead body will be decomposed and which factors influence the decomposition process. We explain it all.
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This is a most interesting site. I have worked as a palliative care nurse, bereavement officer and funeral arranger. I have seen people dying, dead and afterwards. I have counselled people and received bereavement counselling. Having worked with death I have seen and smelt decaying corpses. This site gives a timeline of decay, I was interested in this as my sister died suddenly last year and is buried. I don't want to be buried or cremated, maybe frozen would be good, or raptured, who knows. I find the fact that people are giving their beliefs of life after death interesting, and wanting to know what happens to the soul after death is normal. Each of us has a path to tread and revelation and the acceptance of the Truth of the existence of the One true God is up to Him to touch peoples life and for us to accept as we will. No person can make a person believe or understand except God supernaturally. So wondering, questioning seeking and finding is normal, that's the difference to a living faith. We all make different decisions and choose our own path, to have faith or not, to believe we live on or not. Our choice once made is final and eternal. Interesting site death and life after are linked.
If a baby, that was stillborn, was embalmed, when would decomposition start? What would the body be like after 5 years?
Well I'm not sure about everyone else's comment but this was a breath of fresh air, because at least when zombies come (and they will come) they won't be around that long, this also gave me a few weapons other then the gun, since I don't like fire arms and can't use them anyway :-p, which is a bonus!
My nephew has been missing for 1 year now and is thought to have fallen into the local river. This is very interesting as we are still looking for him and it is good to know what we are actually looking for at this late stage of the search. Thank you.
Can you tell me how decomposed a body would be after being buried in a cofgin please ?
My dad was found on Nov 2nd in his bathroom. We think he was there for 2 weeks what stage would he be in if he consumed a lot of alcohol more then 3x the legal limit?