Pity if you haven't heard the 15 well-known French songs if you're a huge fan of French culture or you just love listening to music. Videos are here!
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For me, Lara Fabian - Je Suis Malade is one of the best songs. Perhaps even Je N'ai Que mon ame - natasha st pier, and Joe le taxi by vanessa paradis is quite popular. On the modern side, I love J'ai en Marre and moi lolita- Alizee, Eblouie par la nuit and paris sera toujours paris - Zaz, Envole moi - generation goldman, Derniere danse and tourner dans le vide - indila.
its super duper FUN
maybe you should add ''Allowette'' ? or you could add the song gummy bear but in french
this site is totally awesome! :) can you guys try to find a song called Pompeii but it is in french instead of in english?
Can someone help me find the correct french pronunciation of a song my dad always sang after serving in France in the second WW. . it was ( sounds like ) jatondre.??
Nice list, thanks! I love George Moustaki,Le Métèque.
L'aigle noir!!! It's not a love song!!! It's a song about being rape by her dad in childhood...
There is a song ...I think love song in the 80's about a guy he talks and then sings loved it but didn't know artist.
bonne justice
there is this french song my brother used to listen to, the artist has average hieght and in his video he has been edited into many of himself can any body help me with his name??