The amazing animals living in Amazon river make the Amazon an extraordinary place. The 10 animals here will definitely surprise you! Curious?!
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very good thank u u helped m e on my research
Thank you for this post however you left out the bull shark
The pictures are awesome you should try it and it helped me with my project
Thx it help me so much I hope others can find a lot of info like me and u guys
tank yu varry muck luk mi brudr da mintaee
Thank you so much you made my research for my essay so much easier. You also saved me hours of time. xoxo ~Titsy~ xoxo
My name is Titsy which makes me mad bc I don't even have very big tities. xoxo ~Titsy~ xoxo
This helped with my homework thanks
thanks it helped me with my homework. my homework is to make a diorama of the amazon river
It helped me for my homework too????