There's no better way to get your kids out of the house when you're on a budget than to head to your local library. It's about more than just checking out some new books to read together. Today's libraries offer a world of fun with their free membership.

Part 1
Free Books
Obviously, the most well-known benefit of joining the library is that you and your children are able to read books for free. This means that you'll never have a stack of books your child is bored with, and your child will be exposed to all different books about all different subjects. And you won't have to open your wallet.
Reading Programs
Many local libraries offer help with reading for children, including online read-along programs in addition to reading lists for every age, online tutors, and research databases.
Free Programs
Most of today's libraries offer free musical programs, story times and craft hours for children. It's a great way to get out of the house and have some fun together. Plus your child's brain will be boosted by the exposure to music, reading, and crafts.
Play Areas
If you have children of various ages, you won't have to worry about keeping the little one entertained while the older one checks out some books or visits story time. There is likely a play area in the children's section with fun toys to keep your toddler occupied.
New Friends
When you visit the local library, you're likely to meet other parents, which opens the door to making new friends for both you and your children.
Discounts at Other Local Spots
Local libraries often offer members discounted visits to local museums, aquariums, and other fun spots for families. All you have to do is ask at the front desk and you can sign out a discount card to take with you to the local children's museum.
Libraries have entered the digital age. You can borrow eBooks without even leaving your home with a virtual library that can be accessed from anywhere.
Libraries are one of the best resources a town has to offer. If you haven't taken advantage of the benefits of having a membership, now is the time. Plus, your child will feel so grown up with her own library card.
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