Nobody in the world wants to see his defeat in his life, but he definitely faces it, may be, at least a single time or several times in his life, although he tries to his level best to avoid his defeat, yet he meets it. When people face their defeat, they express their sad emotions in different ways, which is quite interesting to see and to talk on. The people who belong to different fields express their defeat emotions differently. Some of them express their emotions aggressively, some quietly and rest of them seem to be in great shock; and interestingly, those who truly deserve to be defeated and get defeated also express their phony expressions to demonstrate it a unlucky defeat, watching such phony expressions is quite funny for people. However people meet some unlucky defeats in their lives, but it happens in rare cases. In such cases, people give the credit to the person who must have won. Honestly, we can’t properly evaluate their expressions in such a condition, but some of their expressions seem to be funny, or they can also land you in grief.
9 Different Expressions After Defeat
Here are some people who belong to different fields; let’s see how they express their defeat.
A politician: When a politician faces defeat in elections, he seems to be in great shock, and he puts his hand on his head sitting alone in his isolated room.
A footballer: Loosing in a football match as in world cup match does matter to players of losing side. They express their emotions as if they have lost their battle of life. They cry out in emotion.
A wrestler: After getting defeated in a wrestling match, a wrestler, wet in sweet, exhaling light breathes and sitting in the ring corner, looks at winner with no question in his eyes, because he knows that his opponent is better.
A student: Having been failed in examination, a student feels ashamed and dares not to create an eye contact with people. On the other hand, it is quite not a pleasure thing carrying old books again in the school bag; it brings ill memories back with old books.
A businessman: After a failure in business, a business talks to himself in an isolated place and counts the reasons that brought him the failure.
A deceived lover: Having been deceived in love, the deceived person drowns in gloom of desperation. Being alone at a solitude place, he recalls the pleasant memories and after memories, then he begins to cry.
A scientist: A failure of experiment does disappoint a scientist, but he never seems to be desperate, besides this, he counts on repeating it again with some changes in experiment.
A defeated army: Loosing in battle ground is quite painful to army men, they move back silently with down heads.
A defeated king: Hearing the news of his defeat on a mission, a king disturbs the decorations around and pushes down antiques on floor, and sits down on throne, abusing his aides.
Nobody in the world wants to see his defeat in his life, but he definitely faces it, may be, at least a single time or several times in his life, although he tries to his level best to avoid his defeat, yet he meets it. When people face their defeat, they express their sad emotions in different ways, which is quite interesting to see and to talk on.
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