Are you looking to know how to get bigger arms? Then continue reading. If you are the kind of person who hits the gym every single day and use those weights, you may have also heard that the only way to get those amazing big arms is by doing to a million curls using the dumbbells. Well, that is not entirely true. Yes, using weights guarantees getting huge biceps, but that being said, it isn’t the only way how to get bigger arms.

17 Tips on How to Get Bigger Arms Without Weights

One can also get beautiful biceps without using weights as well. Following are the ways how to get bigger biceps.

Begin Early

The best time to exercise and to get the best results out of it is to start early in the day. Studies have shown that if you exercise in the morning, the results are better by 33% as compared to otherwise. If you are looking for ways on how to get bigger arms, then begin early in the morning.

Eat Right

Sure you want to get bigger muscles and want to get them as soon as possible. But things will not work out for you if you do not eat the right things. Choose your diet carefully. All the bodybuilding workouts will be of no help, if you do not eat right. This is very important if you want to know how to get bigger arms.

Understand the Physiology

If you do not understand the human physiology, or at least the basic rules, then you may not be able to get the results fast. Read up on the muscles in your arms and train them accordingly. Knowing your muscles is a great step to take if you are looking for ways on how to get bigger arms.


There is no better way of getting bigger arms, if you do not repeat the sets. Slowly but surely, increase the number if sets and this in turn with help you build the endurance. This will also help in giving your muscles the change in pace which is completely crucial. How to get bigger biceps? You can get them by repeating the sets of exercise, as many times as you possibly can.

Flex and Hold

One of the easiest and best, but mostly unknown way, is to flex your muscles as hard as you can, and hold it until you can count up to at least 10. Flex your muscles after you have worked out very hard. Pose the way they do in the body building competitions and hold these poses for a while. This will help the muscles in your arm grow a lot faster. So, how to get bigger arms? By flexing and holding the muscles.

Reduce the Rest Time

Try to increase the number of sets but at the same time reduce the time that you rest between sets. You can start with the rest time of 60 seconds in the beginning, but slowly cut down the reduce time to 45, 30 and eventually 15 seconds. This is crucial if you want to know how to get big arms.

Get Creative with Creating Your Weights

Just because you do not have weights lying around to use while you are exercising doesn’t mean that you cannot make use of something that is lying around your home. In fact you can get creative and use your children or wife or girlfriend and use them to help build your muscles. People will be asking you tips on how to get bigger arms if you try this at home.

Use Slow Motion

How to get big arms? By being as slow as you can. The thing that is getting extremely popular everyday is using slow motion while exercising. You can try and do the positive phase of the exercise for a complete 12 seconds, while the negative part can be achieved in just 6 seconds. Try not to lock in at the top position, or rest in bottom one. Go smoothly from the positive one to the negative one. It will get intense and you will have bigger arms without weights in no time. This is one of the best tips one can give you on how to get bigger arms.

Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups

To build the muscles in your arms, grab onto a bar and first hand down to stretch the lat muscles. Pull yourself up on the bar, until you can touch it with your chest. Get back down and repeat the same thing as many times as possible. Do not push yourself with this exercise. Do it at a pace that your body is comfortable in. This is one of the most common, yet effective bodybuilding workouts.


Want to know how to get bigger arms? The age old technique is by doing push-ups. If you want to build the muscles in the triceps and shoulder area then this is possibly the best exercise there is. In order to make this exercise a lot more intense, you can try placing your hands at different places. You can bring them together or pry them far apart. Slowly increase the intensity of the exercise. Practice every day and people will be asking you as to how to get bigger arms.

Handstand Push-Ups

Possibly one of the best exercises there is to get the bigger arms without making use of the weights, handstand push ups are definitely hard to carry out. Get into the handstand position, using your toes to balance with the support of the wall. Now slowly lower yourself, and push yourself back up again. Repeat this for as many reps as possible. You can try doing this with your arms closer or far apart. Handstand push-ups are the way to go if you are looking for ways on how to get bigger arms.

Grip Exercise

If you are looking to strengthen the muscles in your forearm and also trying to build the overall weight in your arm, then get a rubber ball from the store and begin squeezing it. Squeeze as much as possible, and then relax. Keep repeating it. If you are looking to know how to get bigger arms, this is a great tip.

Wall Push-Ups

Yes, push-ups are definitely not easy to do, and one way of lowering its intensity is by doing wall push-ups. If you want to know how to get bigger arms using wall push-ups, all you have to do is adjust the intensity level of the wall push ups according to your will. You can make it as easy or as difficult as you choose. Place your arms on the wall and step back away from it as much as you want. Wall push-ups are a great way to begin with, if you want to know how to get bigger arms.

Arm Circles

The arm circles which we all had to do in school in gym class, is surprisingly great if you want to build the muscles in your arms. While carrying out this exercise, you can keep your elbows locked in order to maximise your muscle engagement. Try rotating your arms as fast as you possibly can. Doing these arm circles is a great way if you are looking to know how to get big biceps.

Weight Free Rows

How to get bigger arms? By creating enough resistance, and to do so all you really need is your fist. Although these are usually done using dumbbells, they are just as great without using them as well. By doing the rowing motion, you are engaging both your biceps and your triceps, not to mention the fact that the muscles in your upper back too gets worked out.

X Jumps

Yes, we have all seen cheerleaders do these, but surprisingly they are great to build the muscles in your arms as well. This cardio move makes use of your entire arm and at the same time you can strengthen the muscles in your legs and abs as well. Slowly, try to increase the time that you spend on this exercise. X jumps are the way to go, if you are looking to know how to get bigger arms.


Water increases the resistance, and hence, and hence, it helps in building the muscles in your entire body. While swimming, you actively make use of the arms, and considering the fact that the water resists your movement, your muscles will stronger and larger. This is one of the best techniques which can be suggested for how to get bigger arms.

  • It is important that you increase the number of repetitions of a particular exercise. But do so slowly. This is crucial if you are trying to know how to get bigger arms.
  • Slowly increasing the intensity of the exercise. Do not let your body get used to the exercise. It is a fool proof technique.
  • Be careful when you exercise. Do not get over enthusiastic. Although it is important to push yourself, do not push yourself off the edge.
  • Supplement all the exercising with a great diet. Learn more about the muscles and know about the best way to strengthen them. A good diet is extremely important if you want to know how to get big biceps.

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